
Tracy van der Schyff

Facilitating The Evolution of Human Capabilities



The lighter side of Microsoft #22: Design Principles

So you're creating sites, libraries and lists in SharePoint, building some cool stuff on Wiki Pages / Web Part Pages? Guess what Cupcake?! You're a developer. Just because some really clever people worked super hard and pre-built all the code... Continue Reading →

The lighter side of Microsoft #17: Cause everything I love I call “Wedwo”

My blog today reminds me of a South African advert in the early 90's of a young boy eating Redro Fish paste. He couldn't pronounce Redro and ended up calling it "Wedwo". In the end he called everything "Wedwo". Well....... Continue Reading →

The lighter side of Microsoft #13: Change the background colour or image on Wiki Pages

Want to change the background colour / image on your SharePoint Wiki Pages? Well it's easier than you think. And don't be scared because it involves adding a web part and some code - if I could do it -... Continue Reading →

The lighter side of Microsoft #5: Be more creative with Microsoft Office

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while” – Steve Jobs... Continue Reading →

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