ATOI365D#Office365Challenge Task lists are one of my favourites to show business the value of SharePoint. So much time is wasted taking notes in meetings, then capturing it in Excel, distributing it and trying our best to manage and update them. Thanks to Task Lists, this can be a less painful task.

Day:  350 of 365, 15 left
Tools:  Office 365, SharePoint
Description: Using Gantt Charts in SharePoint Task Lists
Audience:  All


What does Microsoft say?  A SharePoint project task list displays a collection of tasks that are part of a project. A task is a discrete work item that a single person can be assigned. A project is typically a series of activities that has a beginning, middle, and end, and which produces a product or service, such as producing a product demonstration for a trade show, creating a product proposal for stakeholders, or even putting together a corporate morale event. Read more…

Not sure how to build a task list, see my post here.

Default Features:


In your task list, you’ll notice that tasks that are overdue will appear in red, and completed tasks will have a ‘strikethrough’:



At the top of your task list you’ll notice the different views (under the ellipses there’ll be more options):

  1. All Tasks
  2. Calendar
  3. Completed
  4. Gantt Chart
  5. Late Tasks
  6. My Tasks
  7. Upcoming



Click on the ellipses next to your task and you’ll be able to add it to the project timeline:


The Timeline appears at the top of your task list and will also show if you add the task list as a web part to a page:


Gantt Chart:

Gantt Charts are included in your views by default. Pretty awesome especially if you’ve linked tasks together (predecessors):


Printing your Gantt Chart:

Remember that on any web page you can press CTRL+P and it will bring up your print options. Voila!


Exporting your Task List:

All lists and libraries in SharePoint allows for Exporting to Excel (it’s a copy):


Come on, tell me that isn’t just awesome. Stop managing your tasks / meetings on scraps of paper. Get with it. Allow Office 365 to make you even more awesome than you already are 🙂

Overview of my challenge: As an absolute lover of all things Microsoft, I’ve decided to undertake the challenge, of writing a blog every single day, for the 365 days. Crazy, I know. And I’ll try my best, but if I cannot find something good to say about Office 365 and the Tools it includes for 365 days, I’m changing my profession. So let’s write this epic tale of “Around the Office in 365 Days”. My ode to Microsoft Office 365.
Keep in mind that these tips and tricks do not only apply to Office 365 – but where applicable, to the overall Microsoft Office Suite and SharePoint.