I’m still surprised with how many people don’t know this. Well, on that same note I’m also surprised with how many people don’t use the Windows Button on their keyboards.

You can email or cc a channel in your #MicrosoftTeams from #Outlook. That includes external parties who are not part of the team – think contractors or suppliers. Let’s take a look.

Let’s first create some awareness. I have way to many awesome men in my life that I want to be around when I grow old.

More about Movember:


Sign up to raise funds and awareness for all the dads, brothers, sons and friends in your life. Together we can make a difference for men’s health – in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. Click here to learn more or register (ZA link, should reroute to your region).

Send an email to a channel in Teams:

This is a pretty cool feature and I use it for more than just emails to the team members.

Business case:

  1. When I need to send an email to an external party, but don’t want to cc all the team members and further clutter their Inboxes, then I cc the channel and they get the detail as well.
  2. I supply the address to vendors for invoices and statements. They don’t need to be part of the team, but will be able to email the channel.
  3. I use the channel address for contractors for proposals and quotations.
  4. On projects I use this for any reports etc. that project members need to send in. Especially if they’re from other companies and have to constantly change tenants on the team, then it’s much easier to just email the report to that team channel.
  5. Forward emails + attachments that I get to the Team channel (of course i could write a flow for that, but it works great for ad hoc stuff).

How to use this:

Get the email address by clicking on the ellipses next to the channel name:


Use the address to send mails to (internal or external):

This is what the email looks like in your conversations in that channel:

As soon as emails have been received by a channel, it creates an “Email Messages” folder in the channel folder:

It stores attachments there as well as the original .eml email:


Pretty cool right?! 🙂

Here’s some troubleshooting tips from the Microsoft Blog listed as resource below:

Troubleshoot email failures

There are a few reasons why sending an email to a channel can fail:

  • The feature is not enabled by your IT admin.
  • The channel settings restrict who can send email.
  • The email contains more than 50 inline images.
  • The email has more than 20 file attachments.
  • The email has an attachment that’s more than 10 MB.
  • The SharePoint folder associated with the channel has been deleted or renamed.


Image credits:  Bernard Hermant

I’ll be speaking at The European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference in Copenhagen, 26 – 29th of November. #ESPC18 @EuropeanSP Also honored to be a community reporter at the event. Hoping to see you there!

“You can also find me contributing to REgarding 365. I’m a member of a group of enthusiasts, sharing their stories, thoughts and opinions about Microsoft 365. Catch us at https://regarding365.com | @regarding365 on Twitter and regarding365 on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/regarding365

Disclaimer:  I create content about Office / Microsoft 365. Content is accurate at time of publication, however updates and new additions happen daily which could change the accuracy or relevance. Please keep this in mind when using my blogs as guidelines.

New Initiative:

Every couple of months I’m going to travel to a new country, rent a motorcycle, and travel to as many communities as possible, for 15.2 days. Purpose would be to create awareness around Digital Literacy and give users an overview of Office 365 Apps and Services and how it can transform their lives. I’ll do video and written blogs to capture and share my journey and experiences.

Feedback would be crucial, and I’ll be using Microsoft Forms & Flow to gather valuable feedback for myself and Microsoft. I will be inviting other community members to join me on my journey when I’m in their respective areas.

Of course it wouldn’t be possible without sponsorship to help support this cause. Reach out if you’re interested on getting involved in any way, here’s a link to a Microsoft Form that can be completed:  https://bit.ly/2LaQBRQ