
Tracy van der Schyff

Facilitating The Evolution of Human Capabilities


RSS Feeds

Day 30 – SharePoint Surveys Part 5

#Office365Challenge - Now that we've successfully built a survey in SharePoint, as well as applied various settings / validations, we'll focus on the output. There's no point to surveys, if you can't access the data or report on it. So... Continue Reading →

Day 11 – RSS Feeds in Outlook

So you're following something in the news? Going to the browser a couple of times a day, checking for any new updates? Guess what - Office has this crazy, amazing thing called RSS Feeds. What does it do you may... Continue Reading →

The lighter side of Microsoft #23: RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds are "subscriptions" to receive updates on any content additions, on the topics of your choice. In this blog I'll be chatting about RSS Feeds in your Outlook, as well as adding a RSS Viewer on your SharePoint pages.... Continue Reading →

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